Kindergarten HTML5/CSS3 Template

By: Crafted Pixels

HTML Files & Structure

Kindergarten is a fully responsive HTML5/CSS3 template based on Bootstrap 3, W3C Markup Validated, Retina-Ready and cross-browser compatible.

Please keep in mind that some of the features require certain conditions in order to work:

The template's main component parts are: header, content and footer. The html is heavily commented, for easy modifications, and the main structure looks like this:

1. Home Page

<div class="container" id="wrapper">

    <!-- header -->
        header content goes here (including main navigation)
    <!-- end header -->

    <!-- front page header featured area -->
    <section id="featured">
        content goes here (the slider)
    <!-- end front page header featured area -->

    <!-- page content area -->
    <section id="content-homepage">
        content goes here
    <!-- end page content area -->

        footer content goes here


2. All other pages

<div class="container" id="wrapper">

    <!-- header -->
        header content goes here (including main navigation)
    <!-- end header -->

    <!-- page content area -->
    <section id="content" class="col-lg-7 col-md-8 col-sm-12">
        content goes here
    <!-- end page content area -->

        footer content goes here



  1. Content structure:

    1. Home Page

    <!-- page content area -->
    <section id="content-homepage">
        <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
            yellow column content goes here
        <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
            green column content goes here
        <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
            orange column content goes here
    <!-- end page content area -->

    2. All other pages

    <!-- page content area -->
    <section id="content" class="col-lg-7 col-md-8 col-sm-12">
        <div class="cloud">
            <h1>Page Title Here</h1>
        <div class="content-bg">
            page content goes here
    <!-- end page content area -->

CSS Files & Structure

Kindergarten uses three css files: style.css, font-awesome.css and bootstrap.min.css (the minified version of Bootstrap 3 css, for performance reasons. Non-minified version is also included with the theme). The template doesn't have separate CSS file for IE, but uses Paul Irish's conditional classes, so it has a custom class for this purpose: .ie8. All the css rules that start with .ie8 will target only IE8. These rules are W3C valid.

In order for this class to work, at the beginning of the code there are some conditional comments:

<!--[if IE 8 ]> <html class="ie8 no-js"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html class="not-ie no-js"s>  <!--<![endif]-->

First line targets IE8, and the second line targets any browser other than IE8.

You can find comments in Kindergarten.css, as css rules are grouped. These are the groups:


Kindergarten is based on Bootstrap 3 grid.

You can find more information on the Boostrap framework website, in the documentation grid section:


You can find all the elements that can be used here:


Kindergarten uses 3 fonts (all included):


To optimize performance, Kindergarten template includes all the scripts in the footer, before </body> tag. The only scripts included in the <head> are Modernizr.js and Respond.js, which are mandatory to be included that way in order to work (they have to load before the page is loaded).

The scripts included are the following (each script is explained below):

<script src="js/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script> - jQuery library
<script src="js/bootstrap.min"></script> - Main Bootstrap scripts
<script src="js/custom.js" defer></script> - Custom template scripts
<script src="js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script> - PrettyPhoto lightbox script

Homepage has two additional javascript files:

<script src="js/wowslider.js"></script> - main WOWSlider script
<script src="js/wowtransition.js"></script> - WOWSlider transition effect

Contact page has some additional javascript:

<script src="//"></script> - Google Maps API
<script src="js/gmaps.js"></script> - Gmaps.js app
+ Some inline code for calling Google Maps function.

WOW Slider

WOWSlider is properly licensed and is bundled with Kindergarten.

To add images to the slider, follow these steps:

  1. Add your image to the images > wowslider folder. You can delete or overwrite the demo images (01.png, 02.png and 03.png).
  2. Open index.html. WOWSlider code looks like this (the first image is highlighted):

    <!-- WOWSlider -->
    <div id="wowslider-container1">
        <div class="ws_images">
        <li><img src="images/wowslider/01.png" alt="This is the title" title="This is the title" id="wows1_0"/>And this is description</li>
        <li><img src="images/wowslider/02.png" alt="Another title" title="Another title" id="wows1_1"/>And another description</li>
        <div class="ws_bullets">
                <a href="#" title="This is the title">1</a>
                <a href="#" title="Another title">2</a>
    <!-- end WOWSlider -->

    For each image you have to add code like the first image (the highlighted code). For example (new image code highlighted):

    <!-- WOWSlider -->
    <div id="wowslider-container1">
        <div class="ws_images">
                <li><img src="images/wowslider/01.png" alt="This is the title" title="This is the title" id="wows1_0"/>And this is description</li>
                <li><img src="images/wowslider/02.png" alt="Another title" title="Another title" id="wows1_1"/>And another description</li>
                <li><img src="images/wowslider/03.png" alt="Yet another title" title="Yet another title" id="wows1_2"/>And yet another description</li>
        <div class="ws_bullets">
                <a href="#" title="This is the title">1</a>
                <a href="#" title="Another title">2</a>
                <a href="#" title="Yet another title">3</a>
    <!-- end WOWSlider -->

Google Maps app

The Google map is automatically focusing on the address that you input in the html.

Just replace "Eiffel Tower, Avenue Anatole France, Paris, France" with your own address and refresh the page.

<div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12">
<span class="fa"></span> <span id="address">Eiffel Tower, Avenue Anatole France, Paris, France</span> <!-- input your address on this line --> <span class="fa"></span> +99 (254) 30681 <span class="fa"></span> <span class="fa"></span> </div>

Contact form

To use the contact form, you must replace with your email on line 49 of contact.php file (located in "contact-form" folder).

Please note that using the contact form requires an actual server.

PSD Files

You can find the .psd files in the "PSD-files" folder.

To edit Kindergarten psd files, you must first install the necessary fonts. The download links for the fonts are in the "Sources and Credits" section of this document.

12 psd files are included (6 @1x for normal displays and 6 @2x for retina displays) plus 2 psd files with the background texture (@1x and @2x). The files are organized in 3 folders:

  1. @1x
    • Homepage - 01_kindergarten_homepage.psd
    • About - 02_kindergarten_about_us.psd
    • Gallery - 03_kindergarten_gallery.psd
    • Blog - 04_kindergarten_blog.psd
    • Blog post - 05_kindergarten_blog_post.psd
    • Contact - 06_kindergarten_contact.psd
  2. @2x
    • Homepage - 01_kindergarten_homepage@2x.psd
    • About - 02_kindergarten_about_us@2x.psd
    • Gallery - 03_kindergarten_gallery@2x.psd
    • Blog - 04_kindergarten_blog@2x.psd
    • Blog post - 05_kindergarten_blog_post@2x.psd
    • Contact - 06_kindergarten_contact@2x.psd
  3. bg-texture
    • linedpaper.psd
    • linedpaper@2x.psd
All the vectors are layered .ai files included in the .psd files as Smart Objects.

General file structure

The psd files content is structured in three main groups: Header, Content and Footer.

  1. Header contains: Logo, Main Menu and also the Slider (front-page only);
  2. Content is divided into Page (page content) and Tree (which contains all the vectors in the right side);
  3. Footer is divided into Social Media (left side), Links (right side) and Bottom (bottom copyright part).

All the layers are ordered, labeled and organized in groups.

The logo is 100% editable text. Two fonts were used: Royaltea's color is Violette and BD Cartoon Shout (see "Sources and Credits" section for download links).


Sources and Credits